
There is a lot of free advice floating around the internet. Lots of questions we face have been answered by others! Here's my "greatest hits" of academic advice, organized by career stage. 

For applying to / picking / and starting grad school:

How does a Ph.D. in Sociology work? by Anthony James Williams

Wait, should you go to grad school? Advice (and links) from Daniel Laurison

Tressie McMillan Cottom's Graduate School Guidance (with a focus on students of color)

Information on Minnesota's graduate training in Sociology

Thoughts (including mine) on sociology v.s. criminology Ph.D. programs

Thinking about law school?

For current graduate students:

Want to work with me? Here's a guide.

Jess Calarco's A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum 

Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana's Practical Ph.D. 

Dorsa Amir's Advice for New Grad Students

Fabio Rojas' "Grad School Rulz" (OrgTheory)

Eszter Hargittai's "Ph.Do" Advice (Inside Higher Ed)

Pamela Oliver's "Hoops and Hurdles" Advice

Karen Kelsky's "The Professor Is In" Blog  and Chronicle Vitae Advice

Jessica Calarco's "Grad School's Hidden Curriculum" on Scatterplot

Neil Lewis Jr. and Jay Van Bavel's excellent workshop Demystifying the Academic Job Market

Me on How Many Publications Does It Take To Get a Job?

Mirya Holman's Checklist for Submitting Papers

For graduate students & assistant professors:

My TIME TRACKER template for semester planning and logging daily work

Raul Pacheco-Vega on Academic Writing & Productivity Tools

Peg Boyle Single's Writing Advice (Inside Higher Ed)

Tanya Golash-Boza's Get a Life Blog

Conditionally Accepted Advice (Inside Higher Ed)

Sociology blogs scatterplot and orgtheory

National Center for Faculty Development and Kerry Ann Rockquemore's Inside Higher Ed column

Sociologica's issue on publishing in Sociology

For students interested in non-academic and/or non-traditional careers:

Versatile PhD

Karen Kelsky's "The Professor Is In" Blog (see section on "Post-AC Help")